Last month’s theme of emotional intelligence continues into ‘Mindful March’.

Reaching your audience is all about creating a relationship, yet with increased use of social media marketing over face-to-face interaction, stakeholders need to be able to identify with you.

Specifications and a recitation of facts won’t help your audience care, an emotional connection will.

Humans have been communicating through stories for over 20,000 years, back when our flat screens were cave walls! We love stories because we are social creatures and we relate to other people. Keep these tips in mind when sharing your story:

  • Be Strategic – You must be mindful of the story you choose and how you tell it to take advantage of this long-term view.
  • Be Authentic – Customers must feel a genuine connection to the story you are telling.
  • Aim to Catch Attention Quickly – Consider the scope of your story and how likely your target audience will share it with others; adapt the story so that more people can empathise and be willing to share it.
  • Have a Higher Vision – Your story should be thought provoking, giving your audience a reason to share it.

Being mindful of the stories we tell lets your audience relate to you in a personal way, like we used to in the days of face-to-face business.

If you’re considering integrating video or animation in to your marketing strategy, book a meeting with us today and let’s talk about sharing your story!

Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.
Dalai Lama